– Shotcrete can be defined as Mortar or concrete pneumatically sprayed at high velocity onto a prepared surface. Low cement refractory castable material is premixed and pumped along lines to a nozzle where the introduction of an accelerator and compressed air result in a well-compacted, sprayed lining which sets very quickly.
The shotcrete process can be used for repair and installation of new linings in industrial heating melting furnaces. The relining of blast furnaces, ladles, and reheat furnaces, as well as petroleum and cement producing plants, are some of the facilities where shot-creting of heat-resistant materials can be applied.
Advantages of Shotcrete
- Suited to large volume installations
- Linings of >300mm in thickness
- Fast drying out times
- High density
- Low porosity
- Reduced standing time.
- safer, cleaner work environment
- Installation during downtime or hot installation.
Cefractec uses an Allentown MR2200 Powercreter pump, a high pressure hydraulically powered piston pump for pumping and spraying refractory Shotcrete materials. This machine can deliver between 7 to 12 Tons per hour over a distance of 30m vertically and 80m horizontally, with a batch mixing vessel of 1000kg.